I sometimes tell this to the architecture students I work with. I believe that most great artists are sorta insane in that they allow themselves to become fully obsessed with an idea and have it take over their brain. Like Kusama putting dots on everything. Basically, submit yourself fully to an idea and iterate on it endlessly. Learn from it. Let it take you somewhere beautiful
Jul 17, 2024

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dadaist hans arp once said “what arrogance is concealed in perfection? why struggle for purity in position when they can never be attained? the law of chance, which embraces all other laws and is as unfathomable as the depth from which all life arises can only be comprehended by a complete surrender to the unconscious.” and he’s right, some of the very best art i’ve made has been by complete accident. my favorite thing to see when i look at a painting is the blending of paint into forms, no brush stroke is like the one before it, the paint combines into new shades that weren’t there previously, with each smear something new emerges. i love surprising uses of color where you wouldn’t expect them to be, you can imagine the idea springing forth to the artist while they’re painting away on the canvas.. or maybe it was accidental? maybe they put blue where they meant to put green? a mistake? but now that it’s blue, it’s genius! i’d like to approach more than just art with this way or thinking. it would lead to a lot less disappointment and a lot more excitement. 🪴  markus lüpertz, exekution, 1992, oil on canvas
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