Mr.Cave guidance and his words is just the most charming you can read out there! The love and the dedication! He is entering in my collection of GodsRead more of this.
I was honestly unsure of how I felt about this book the first time I read it, but knew it was something special. I pick it up and reread it every few months (it is only 150p so a quick read) and I gain something new every time I do. I want to recommend this book to people I know but I am afraid they won't like it
I read this a few months back and with every new book I read all I can think is “you’re not Martyr!….”
This was just instantly one of my favourite books of all time. I love it so much just thinking about it makes me cry. Does Kaveh know what he did here??? He is the greatest. Cyrus Shams I love you so much.
Each time I’m in Tokyo,  the first thing I do is to go to this temple. When I go and I walk through the pathway downstairs I feel, at that moment, a new page is turning for me in my life. I can look backwards and I can look forward.