What a resource… At any given time I will have several Wiki tabs open. At the moment, I’m reading articles on Boethius, POSIWID, Counting Cards and the Cornball Express (Roller Coaster). Admittedly, I have never donated a dime to this site.
School made us think reading is a holy act. It is not. Its just something to do. Like watching a movie or sports. You aren’t going to be tested by anyone. Read high. Read drunk. Read 2 pages. Read half awake. Remember nothing or just some of it. It really doesn’t matter
understanding the art of knowing when the hang no longer needs you, and you no longer it. this could mean youre the last one there. It could also mean you're the first to go. But always leave when it’s time, never bow out too early, and try to never overstay your welcome.