There's like forests of marine life sitting here when the tide goes down. They are chilling in ponds. Had my feet cleaned by a little council of shrimps.
everyone wants to talk about deep sea creatures who operate under extreme conditions. who cares how a fish manages to live 1000 meters below the surface if we never see them!!!! what about the little guys! show me the crabs and anemones ans chitons and whelks and limpets and nudibranchs
to me there is something uncanny About the tide pool. Yes the moon dragged the ocean off the land and yes some ocean life was left there and yes I looked at it up close. I got the sense that even though they say all life began in the ocean it has not been home to some of us for a very long time
Everything will be shitty for a couple thousand years but life finds a way and it's all going to be okay (for the general concept of life, not for humans) in the end even if we do our best to destroy all the planet