Oh i just re-downloaded pokemon go, let's GO (also if anyone would like to be friends?): 1. Mew (i'd be happy forever in pokemon world if a mew agreed to join my team) 2. Blaziken (someone's got to be fight-ready) 3. Dragonair (beautiful, slender, princess energy) 4. Spinda (drunk panda vibes, adorable) 5. Alolan Raichu (i like that it surfs on the tail) 6. Altaria (bird in a cloud!!) 7. Togetic (a flying alien chicken thing in a dinosaur egg? Philosophical riddle resolved)
Jul 20, 2024

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holy shit brendanooooo this is my kind of question we'd just be having a time no fighting just vibes alolan raichu (dude seems chill) poliwhirl (just always liked poliwhirl) aurorus (protection don't f w me and my buddies) vileplume (want us to smell nice / free high?) sandslash (just cute) espeon (my first ever pokemon so we go way back, my first game was pokemon colosseum so i'm counting it as my starter) and legendary kid me would be pissed if i didn't pick Rayquaza
Jul 17, 2024
Charmander (i think it cute) Dugtrio (i like how all 3 say trio) Snorlax (chill) Chansey (i like how it says its name a lot) Ninetales (pretty & cool) Grimer (seems like a pal) Dewgong (foe the vibes)
Jul 16, 2024

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