how did they end up there, where were they before, do they like it, do they want to go somewhere else, what it's like over there, are the drivers awful (drivers are awful everywhere and that's always fun to bitch about) is it walkable etc. There's so much to a city and people always have niche recs or fun stories so it's fun to ask
Jul 20, 2024

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you should look up citynerd on youtube, he does lots of top ten lists of primarily NA cities ranking them on various aspects of urbanism, transit, biking and affordability. the one I linked here talks about montreal, dubbed the most European city in north america, and talks about many of the topics mentioned above. but also and probably more importantly, theres so much of your personal preference to take into account — what kind of climate do you want to live in? large school or small university? will you need to work or find housing to afford it? ease of travel back to your home country? definitely take some time to think about these things and keep them in mind as you research. best wishes on your journey! hopefully you get some time to travel and see that there are some truly wonderful and vastly varied cities, cultures and people here.
Apr 16, 2024
Recently I’ve been reading Invisible Cities, a book that presents ideas about all of the little traits and characteristics that combine together to give a city its identity.   It got my friend and me thinking about some of the hidden quirks we’ve noticed around Columbus - and we came to the realization that a vast number of bars south of 5th Ave offer free popcorn, while almost no bars north of 5th do?!? There is a Great Popcorn Divide in my town and I had no idea until now.  Even though this knowledge doesn’t amount to much, it still feels like a fun piece of information that contributes to the identity and experience of living here. I’m also really curious to know if there are some “invisible cities” that you all have noticed around where you live
Mar 22, 2024
when someone mentions a city, my friends and i start listing nicknames for that city, then nicknames for other cities. eg: "ah yes, new york. the big apple. the city that never sleeps. the windy city. stumptown. the city of brotherly love. the big easy." group participation bit, never gets old
May 8, 2024

Top Recs from @mang0kiwi

Idk with algorithms and influencers constantly pushing us to buy stuff it's nice to ignore all that and just keep your money and not buy junk you don't need! Get your amazon storefront outta here!
Jul 2, 2024
its awkward the first couple of times but once you get over that hump... life changing
Feb 5, 2024