Make sure you have the keyboard of the language you're learning already selected. Then, activate the accesibility tools. These are typically used by blind people, so that the contents of their phone are read out loud to them. Whenever there's a paragraph I would like to read on a certain language, but I'm struggling with the correct pronunciation, I simply make the selection of the paragraph and click on the button that says "enunciate", then select the language I want.
This is for iPhone but i'm sure it would work in a similar way for any type of phone. I also use it when I need to corroborate that I said something okay or when I'm in need of repetition, which is very useful, as it works with native accents. The best way you could take advantage of accessibility tools is through reading things, like articles or newsletters on the language you want to learn. That way you have a reference point that is very visual and can also help you on the spot with your listening and oral skills. In my opinion, I think it can even help you improve your memory, as this particular method is very mechanical.