I’ll switch my phone interface to that language to help recall better. Flash cards, translating from one language to another mentally, also works. Also making music playlists and definitely watching films/shows in that language help too
Jul 20, 2024

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I’m learning German intensively at the moment and something that helped massively was watching a TV show I was v. familiar with in German (I chose BoJack Horseman). The main thing that helped was to have absolutely no subtitles (English or German) because it forced me to really focus on the melody of the language and pick it apart. I’d also really recommend finding a podcast series that you find engaging, because the conversation is just so much more realistic. My teacher explained that the most important thing is to surround yourself with the language in every way (music, YouTube, even changing your phone language) even if you don’t understand everything, because that way your brain will naturally start to internalise the language :-)
Jun 11, 2024
Love this! I agree re: the above recommendation; you should start with Anki and use it to learn the 1000 most frequent words in whatever language you’re learning. While you’re learning those words, it’s also helpful to start studying some basic grammar. Doesn’t have to be anything too intense. You could buy a grammar book and do one lesson a day, watch grammar lesson videos on YouTube, or use an online program like Kwiziq (depending on what language you want to learn). Once you’re done learning the 1000 vocab words, I’d start consuming media! There are so many resources online depending on what your target language is—podcasts, children’s TV shows, newspapers, novels, etc. You can continue to make Anki vocab cards when you come across a word you don’t know, but it really depends on how you best learn. I meet with my French tutor once a week and it’s helped me immensely with my speaking skills. You can find online tutors on Italki for pretty reasonable prices. I also changed my phone and laptop language to French — it was frustrating at first but you get used to it pretty quickly and it helps with the learning process. There’s also so many language learning resources online like r/languagelearning on Reddit. Good luck!
Feb 19, 2024
Make sure you have the keyboard of the language you're learning already selected. Then, activate the accesibility tools. These are typically used by blind people, so that the contents of their phone are read out loud to them. Whenever there's a paragraph I would like to read on a certain language, but I'm struggling with the correct pronunciation, I simply make the selection of the paragraph and click on the button that says "enunciate", then select the language I want. This is for iPhone but i'm sure it would work in a similar way for any type of phone. I also use it when I need to corroborate that I said something okay or when I'm in need of repetition, which is very useful, as it works with native accents. The best way you could take advantage of accessibility tools is through reading things, like articles or newsletters on the language you want to learn. That way you have a reference point that is very visual and can also help you on the spot with your listening and oral skills. In my opinion, I think it can even help you improve your memory, as this particular method is very mechanical.
Aug 4, 2024

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