I’ve actually had a recurring dream where 2 people in my friend group (who idk irl— they’re totally made up) broke up and the guy started dating another of the friends. The girl was fine single but we had another guy in the group who was in love with her and wanted to ask her to marry him (despite our pleads for him not to). Each dream, he gets closer and closer to popping the question. The last dream I had, he’d finally got down on one knee and was about to do it at the weirdest and inopportune time. And as soon as he opened his mouth to ask, I woke up. The dream hasn’t come back since. Oh and we’re around our late teens/early twenties I think? I’m in my thirties so I thought this was a significant detail. I haven’t deciphered it yet but I can’t believe I haven’t finished this saga.
Jul 23, 2024

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