I’ve met friends through a book club, a mutual aid group, a film discussion class, improv classes (silly but made lifelong friends!), queer craft meetups…but honestly I had the most luck with BumbleBFF & other apps bc it eliminates the awkward part of not being sure if the people at the event wanna hang out outside of it or not.
Jul 23, 2024

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I moved to a new city during covid and times were tough here for a while, but this is what worked for me: - befriending your coworkers (sometimes they’re really cool and will become your bff, most of them time they’re fine to occasionally hang w) -being a regular at a coffee shop, bar, or concert/show venue (hit up the familiar faces and they’re likely to introduce you to their crew as well) -bumble bff (kind of the worst but also fun- I met a few of my close friends on here who then introduced me to their friend groups. Mostly great interactions but be weary of some ppl trying to use it as a sly dating tool) -get involved in the community! i host a book club and I play soccer on a local rec team. I’ve met so many people that I would’ve probably never encountered otherwise through Bookclub- don’t be afraid of multigenerational friendships! With soccer, I’ve met such a diverse crowd and it’s encouraged me to attempt to learn Spanish. It’s nice to be able to get a group of ppl together and play/practice when you all have a night free, or go and watch a game! If you’re sporty, you can also invite your new sporty pals out for runs, hikes, or other workout type activities!
Aug 20, 2024
If you have a crafty hobby, maybe take class in it Start a new hobby by taking a class. I think pottery would be a good choice Like to cook - cooking class Nerdy - go to a trivia night Look for a book club, go to a gallery opening, take an improv class Obviously it’s much much much much easier said than done, and I also feel like I was absent the day i was supposed to learn how to live. Also there’s an app called Timeleft that organizes dinners among random strangers. I’ve only done it once (the app and the dinners get expensive) and had a good time. It’s in quite a few different cities. There’s also an app called Mingle IRL that started in my city. I don’t know if it’s expanded much yet Finally, Bumble has an option to look for friends (same gender only) instead of dates. Don’t remember what they call it but you’ll figure it out. Personally I think any woman who thinks another woman looks cool should be able to walk up to her and ask to be friends. I guess men could do it with each too, but I don’t know if we ever look cool. Best of luck!
Feb 2, 2025
when i started college i had ZERO friends so i feel like im qualified for this!! it always felt like i had some evil aura that made friendships / regular socialization impossible for me… in a moment of real and true desperation i downloaded bumble for its bff feature. and i met my best friend on there (who happened to go to my same school). i used it on occasion since, and met two people, but only one realllllly stuck. honestly it functions (and feels) JUST like bumble dating… some people are winners, most aren’t, and it all comes down to luck. but what DOES matter is that you are putting yourself out there so anything is possible! another thing is to go to events, preferably alone. pop-ups, concerts, community activities… its so easy to find likeminded people this way (and its harder on bumble since you are weeding through LITERALLY everyone). lastly cultivate the friendships you already have if its worth doing so. people introduce you to people who introduce you to people. in the end, everyone is kinda lonely especially now. so by being the one to take initiative and walk up to someone you think is cool, you are doing that person and yourself a favor (also its like crazy exposure therapy if you have anxiety). if it doesn’t work out it was never meant to be. hope this kinda helps :,)
Jul 9, 2024

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Every time I look something up on Google images, more and more of the results are AI slop. It’s lit a fire under me to collect more books - been looking at the art & fashion sections of used book stores and building up my library. It‘s also nice to have a finite source to seek inspiration from rather than getting caught in an infinite scroll.
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