if you’re at all interested in tabletop roleplaying games and the way people tell stories with them i highly recommend friends at the table. FatT is an actual play podcast (meaning, a podcast where they Actually Play a ttrpg) focused on critical world building, smart characterization, and fun interaction between good friends.
my homie sylvi is one of the cast members on it so im kinda biased but i really think its the best actual play podcast out there. its funny because the people who host it are funny people, but its also made up of some really smart and charming people who are sincerely interested in the world and characters they‘re building, and it’s their interest in doing what they do and doing it well that carries me through it.
if you are into any of this, i recommend starting with their series called PARTIZAN; a series about mecha pilots on a small moon in the middle of a incomprehensibly big war that seems to have no end in sight, and the revolutionary movement that begins to form there. it’s very cool! thanks for reading my sincere post