One thing you must know about me is that I always have my nails done. My legs can be unshaved, hair can look like shit, skin in need of dermatological intervention, but my nails will ALWAYS BE DONE. This is a non-negotiable part of my routine. However, it used to be a stressful bi-weekly appointment due to decision fatigue. Should I get a design on my nails? Should I try a new color? What if hate my choice and Iā€™m stuck with it for weeks? I say ā€œused to beā€ because after years of trial and error, I have finally figured out my go-to nail color. Listen, It might not seem like a big discovery to you, especially because my go-to color is literally just a deep shade of red (the most obvious color on the planet that everyone has been defaulting to since 1500 BC probably), but to me, this is a sigh of relief. I have had fleeting phases in the past where I thought I had found my color (beige, white, baby pink, the list goes on), but deep red feels like forever. It matches every outfit, Iā€™m satisfied after every manicure, and the anxiety of uncertainty that has plagued nail appointments for years has vanished. I am free.
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Jul 25, 2024

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i played around with various pastels and nudes before reaching the same conclusion!
Jul 27, 2024
red is THE best colour for nails i think. it goes with everything that it almost acts like a neutral, as you and your dad say "everything looks better with a pop of red" I COULDN'T AGREE MORE. and you can try different shades until you find the one. it's perfect.
Jul 25, 2024

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when Dolores Oā€™Riordan died I got my mani pedi in black and maybe changed them once since then. the nail tech doesnā€™t even ask anymore. I pick and destroy my cuticles like theyā€™re on fire unless theyā€™re painted so, despite the Diva tone, itā€™s a health choice for me. every couple years I take six month off as natural but I always end up jagged so I learned to find a signature and stick to it.
Apr 18, 2024
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I've been trying to branch out when it comes to nail colors lately. I'm a very boring girl so originally, I was just getting plain old white. This past year I did some blues, pinks, reds, and purples. I even did a design!!! (Small but cute! Costed 5 more dollars though...) I have almond shaped nails, and I'm looking for some recommendations for new colors to try! I couldn't put a photo in an "ask," so I'm just hoping people will see this and comment. Some colors I've tried this year:
Dec 31, 2024
Iā€™ve since relapsed ā€”but as a compulsive nail biter my entire life, I got my first manicure this past winter and for the first time in my life my nails looked presentable. the clear polish is nice like a worry stone for me, satisfying the same urge that biting didā€”itā€™s a nice thing to do for yourself every 3 weeks or so Iā€™ve discovered.
Jun 8, 2023

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Jul 25, 2024
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Jul 25, 2024
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This is the best show I have seen in years. It checks every box for me, itā€™s humorous, itā€™s investigative, itā€™s light-hearted, and itā€™s genius. It has everything needed to be a ā€œcomfort show,ā€ and that it is for me. I put this show on anytime I donā€™t have anything else I want to watchĀ  (which is often because I hate starting new television ventures out of fear of disliking them and being plagued with guilt about not watching enough to fully judge. I will say to myself, ā€œmaybe it will get better if I watch for a bit longer?ā€ until I have finished the entire thing and wasted 2-6 hours of my life, etc). John Wilson has created the perfect show.
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