One thing you must know about me is that I always have my nails done. My legs can be unshaved, hair can look like shit, skin in need of dermatological intervention, but my nails will ALWAYS BE DONE. This is a non-negotiable part of my routine. However, it used to be a stressful bi-weekly appointment due to decision fatigue. Should I get a design on my nails? Should I try a new color? What if hate my choice and Iām stuck with it for weeks? I say āused to beā because after years of trial and error, I have finally figured out my go-to nail color. Listen, It might not seem like a big discovery to you, especially because my go-to color is literally just a deep shade of red (the most obvious color on the planet that everyone has been defaulting to since 1500 BC probably), but to me, this is a sigh of relief. I have had fleeting phases in the past where I thought I had found my color (beige, white, baby pink, the list goes on), but deep red feels like forever. It matches every outfit, Iām satisfied after every manicure, and the anxiety of uncertainty that has plagued nail appointments for years has vanished. I am free.