With my new design job it requires mood meetings and client meetings and setting up docs and getting invoices situated and confirming deadlines — all things I absolutely hate. The fun stuff all begins after the admin work is done. For me, mentally I’ve learned to see it as the work that opens the door to the fun part of the job which is the design and sketching and brainstorming and visioneering. I think something that’s helped me is understanding that if I do the admin work well it actually sets me up to do better with the rest of my work. For you it might be like “Oh if I ship these packages out I can start designing the next thing” or “If I make this call it’ll give me clarity on the next task.” The only other solution is, if you’re able to, hire out that admin role. It’s $$$ but for some people getting that sorted opens the door for them to take on more work that they can do well. Our design team has an admin that soon will handle all the tedious tasks and then my brain can focus 100% on creativity as opposed to 25% admin and 75% creativity.
Jul 31, 2024

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