i bought it on a whim cuz the smoothie machines were down. horrible little thing, terrible flavour profile that does not give creamsicle. expensive. do not bother.
Aug 1, 2024

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I’m sorry but it really is that good (even for the outrageous price point). It’s basically a strawberry milkshake masquerading as something healthy. And boy is she pretty 💋 As a sober gal, one of my “little treats” is the periodic absurdly priced drink. I’m talking a $9 bottle of water with spirulina in it from Moon Juice, that $7 pink coconut water, the $16 blue smoothie at that one health food store in Chicago’s Gold Coast. Don’t get me started on a specialty latte that will run you $8 before tip.
I am terrified of Erewhon. The fear of god runs through me everytime i walk in but something important to note is their sweet treat drink selection. A whole wall of stupid drinks that all say they’re healthy for one reason or the other but i like to just look at them and stare for like 10 minutes because it’s so colorful. Today after my walk, i went into Erewhon mostly for the adrenaline rush but then picked out a little root beer olipop as a treat! Tastes weird but not bad.

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been going thru it a bit, i never really liked the medium of journaling into a real book- it never felt honest, i have a lot of anxiety around someone finding it and reading through it so i’d never write honestly. trying to find an app/computer program that i’d actually just use to journal was annoying, either through managing where to store my entries or just encouraging extra unnecessary bits like using pre generated prompts that i wouldn‘t care about. after doing research on “small internet” sites/communities, i came across this blogging service (bear blogs). by hooking it into an obscure name and email, it can act as a low barrier way to journal my thoughts anonymously. plus it feels a lot less lonelier than journaling into a book / app, you feel a sense that your thoughts could actually heard but realistically its all enveloped by the void of the internet- to me that’s comforting. its different from a real journal being found, i find it a lot less likely people in my real life would stumble across it. also i mean, bear blogs is just a great easy to set up solution to just blogging & actually getting thoughts out if you’re interested in that!
Jul 28, 2024
gorgeous, especially the track open, i have looped this for hours before. impeccable title. no one does it like oneohtrix 💖💖💖
Jul 30, 2024
Jul 30, 2024