I am talking about the thing behind my impulsive attacks.
Ones that forces you to unfollow people, make a dirty lists about the exes -you should have already forgot long ago-.
Sacred Spotify Stalks SSS never forget it should be regular like hourly if you are mad like me. can be daily if you are sooooo chill. weekly if you are dead - I mean if you have something better to do-
I write my future scenarios just looking at my main antagonist's spotify profile or their listening activity.
Oh she is listening a She-Alice Phoebe Lou then she is in love again.
Oh she did a new playlist, does the songs tell me something, if not, its probably telling somebody else something -sad sad sad for you-.
Oh she listening some bitches list -check the list- meh okay go girl.
Oh your gf has a collab list with someone, then it's a flirting alarm. Probably they are talking behind you.
you can take anything you want from the sacred spotify stalk