Mostly for cats. My new cat roommate is Maisy aka Maisy-Lou to me.
Previous foster babies have been Zeb (Zebbalou) and Virgo (Virgalou).
It's just a cute way to nickname !!!
every family member must have a few; this is nagini and hers are: namibia, houdini, habibi, and my personal favourite memé (i have no idea where this one came from but i’m 90% convinced my brain just mixed up the words mami and bebé)
1. Mazzy Star is an incredible pet name
2. I also call my cat “stinky”
Bug is a big one, I also call her “Little Guy” a lot
Just making weird noises at her to get her attention
as we all (pi fyi users) know, being into shit is cool.
i’ve been thinking about how in the early days of facebook rather than liking pages you would “become a fan” of them and i just love that verbage. so sweet and precious
As Perfectly Imperfect subscribers know, being into shit is cool. This was an early rec I made on the PI.FYI app, inspired by Facebook’s “like” feature formerly being called “become a fan” because I find the verbiage so sweet and so supportive. It’ll always be way cooler to be an embarrassing superfan than to have 0 interests.