desperately playing this album on repeat while doing breathing exercises and incantations over burning incense trying to induce a creative genius i’ve never had or shown any evidence of having
Aug 9, 2024

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Stripping back the cult of ENO and just looking at the music, Music For Airports has got it all. Forget the Isaac Newton-y backstory (TLDR: Eno is bedridden while recuperating after being hit by a car, friend visits and puts on record, volume too low to “hear” properly, turntable too far to reach, the idea of music as room “tint” ensues), and the brilliance of the technical execution, the tunes are what matter here. I actually met ENO once, yes, in an airport. I associate this music along with a lot of the ENO cannon as the search for a romantic life. That there is more going on than meets the eye, but only if you look for it. Also the idea of Eno as the consummate “non-musician” is very appealing/comforting to me. Eno apparently said he sought to create music “as ignorable as it is interesting” which is great, and is coincidentally the basis of my personality.
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i am not particularly religious but the serenity prayer has always struck me as incredibly sage and powerful. there are variations on the wording but the general idea is: god grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change what i can, and the wisdom to know the difference. has gotten me through many tough days
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hand to mouth. get back in touch with your primal side
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