I'm not even super into No Doubt that much, but I was listening to the local alt radio station before I move out and this brought me to tears. The mix of rage and unrequitedness... a little bit of ska flippantry... phenomenally underrated pop rock tune!
Legit was the first song I can recall actually caring about and being amazed by. I was OBSESSED with this song and video. Had no idea what it was about (never been a lyrics person, more of a feel and sound person) but I just loved the sound and vocals. Probably why I listen to alotta music that is women lead or has women at the forefront when it comes to vocals. Big ass No Doubt fan to this day too.
so much to talk about, the sunglasses, the scarf, the fresh baguette and coffee, the always lovely cafe setting. I think this is the most swag ever captured on camera I aspire to be at this level
alright hear me out: carbonation and coffee with a squeeze of orange shouldn’t work, but it does. Been making them daily and i feel a lot better in the morning each time i do