I love my Sheep by the Sea wool slippers. They are so cozy but have held up quite well. I got mine in Ireland but they can be found in various online shops.
If you really want to go sturdy, I’d rec a lined Crocs slide.
i got these for Christmas 10 years ago and they’re still my go to for wearing around the house. They’re very soft and lined in a way that they keep my feet warm but not sweaty.
I prefer a wooly slipper (like the LL Bean Wicked Good slipper), but I also really enjoy the Glerups— linked below. I think they’re lighter, if you don’t want something quite as warm, and well-shaped; they last a long time.
You can't get comfy at home unless you're wearing slippers, and Haflingers are where it's at. Cozy wool felt on a cork bed with a rubber sole, so you don't slip while you're washing your 900th dish for the day. Go grizzlies or bust. Seriously these are the best slippers of all time.