i suck at it, but i haven't felt like a kid in ages, it's honestly therapeutic. totally recommend!!
i think my team lost by like 13 to 20 but at that point who's counting lol
Find a league and group of solid folks and go play games in the sunshine.
Have I played soccer in any capacity since grade school? No. Was I any good back then? Also no. Am I playing poorly now as an adult and not giving a shit? HELL YEAH, BROTHER.
It turns out kicking a ball with bunch of people, is so fun. Even if it means trying to get good at it later in life, especially when you see the progress in performance, i even scored some goals! Premier league awaits
grew up as a soccer girl, played intramurals in college. finally jumped the gun and recruited some friends to start a coed team on an adult rec league and im soooo excited. cheers to returning to a sport you love
once i got over my fear of not having anything "important" or "smart" to write or my pages not looking aesthetically pleasing enough, i realized how refreshing and therapeutic it is to put my thoughts on paper—regardless of how much value i'll find in them in the future