went on a full-blown collector’s binge lately (since late 2023) with Gaultier. Owing to that, got a pocket organizer cause someone was selling it for cheap with the original fill in. Just refilled for a second time and realized how it’s keeping me, well, organized. No surprises there. Someone asked me why I couldn’t just use my phone to handle my notes and schedule (I honestly do double entry sometimes), but writing things down kind of gives it a finality that only a correction tape that I have to get from my office will erase. Am I the most organized person because of it? Pretty far from it. But at least I have a cool notebook and found the joy of writing stuff down again (whether it makes me look dated is another thing altogether).
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Aug 22, 2024

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Got lucky and found this bag at roughly around $45.00 (converted from PHP) in good nearly unused condition. Thoughts: 1. Denim was way thicker than what I thought it was going to be. Not selvedge-thick but also shouldn’t be too packed and heavy like I’m normally used to. 2. Design definitely has Gaultier trademarks that made it an immediate purchase. Really liked the button hole details around the rim of the bag. 3. Would have liked for more height though (my 15” laptop ruins the shape and didn’t want to risk stretching it).
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