I know I’m late. This app is not new. But listening to audiobooks (for free) (without a monthly hour limit) is literally rewiring my brain. not recommending a book— read/listen to whatever it doesn’t matter to me. but listening to words that someone intentionally wrote, that are not being spewed without forethought on a podcast, it just feels more important. I love my pods, but my brain loves Libby. I’ve never been a book girlie and I’ve always secretly hated them for having a real attention span. I found a way to cheat myself into being one of Them. hehe
Aug 23, 2024

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I love reading but never saw myself as an audiobook girl. I also listen to so many podcasts (which I love…) that entertain me but don’t teach me things. Working on focusing my energy towards learning more, reading more! Might as well if I always have headphones in. This is a new development but I‘ve already found myself eager to listen to new books I typically wouldn’t buy or grab from the library! also: if you don’t have the Libby app and a library card, change that immediately. imagine paying $20 for a book you only listen to!!!!
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listening to audiobooks all day beats the hell out of listening to podcasts all day
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