infinite scroll < infinite clicking around the sexiest way to discover new music is NOT spotify algorithims, but a visual map of every music genre.... click twice to view top artists associated w that genre.... happi explorin' 🤿
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Aug 23, 2024

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i think genre-fying music can be difficult and in turn i think a lot of people tend to generalize music into vast categories of “indie“ or “rock” (myself often included) which makes discovering niche music a bit harder. this site aims to earnestly break music down into these niche genres, giving listeners the ability to really dive into what they like/want to explore. i should add that i think the site is stagnant as of sometime within the last few years, due to some issues the creator has had working with/against spotify.
I love this site and have found some really cool stuff this way. It hasn't been updated recently because the owner of the site got fired from Spotify but it still has a lot of awesome stuff on it. Basically it lists all the microgenres into which Spotify groups artists. You can find some really obscure and interesting ones this way.
Apr 17, 2024
an ongoing scatter plot of every band/artist and where they land in their specific sound pockets. i hate genres, but it's fun to see how it all bleeds together. like why is everyone scared to say they like rock music, it has to be noise, atmospheric doom, or slushwave ?
Nov 28, 2023

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“If while washing dishes, we think only of the cup of tea that awaits us, thus hurrying to get the dishes out of the way as if they were a nuisance, then we are not “washing the dishes to wash the dishes.” What’s more, we are not alive during the time we are washing the dishes. In fact we are completely incapable of realizing the miracle of life while standing at the sink. If we can’t wash the dishes, the chances are we won’t be able to drink our tea either. While drinking the cup of tea, we will only be thinking of other things, barely aware of the cup in our hands. Thus we are sucked away into the future—and we are incapable of actually living one minute of life.”
Aug 19, 2024