I'll admit it- when my friends back home started playing golf- I was a little pissed off. How could my friends be into this normie white guy activity? It seemed like something so far from my own identity, something I could never possibly get into. But...I've seen the light... Golf is a great way for aging dudes to get together, spend some time outside, and have a couple of beers in the sunshine while having some kind of activity to focus on. I don't ever see myself golfing more than once or twice a year (kind of impossible when you live in NYC) but i do enjoy coming back to Massachusetts to spend a couple hours on the course with my pals.
Aug 26, 2024

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I used to hate golf. Until I realized it's just a hike with a game mixed in, and you get to wear ugly-chic stuff. And drink. A top 10 activity. Just don't get too invested or it will ruin your life.
Oct 27, 2023
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"You are urged to adopt the terminology favored by the tournament hosts and embraced by CBS. Spectators are “patrons.” The rough—longer grass that lines the fairways—is the “second cut.” (And it is controversial, because its abundance contravenes the wishes of the patriarchs, who designed the course to have a dearth of rough.) The traps are bunkers, and what appears to patrons and television viewers to be the whitest sand in golf is technically not sand but waste from feldspar mines in North Carolina." I'm not a hater of golf. I have enjoyed a round or five. I'm just an enemy of bullshit. And boy is the Masters LOADED w/bullshit.
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tomorrow PI.FYI launches to the public this project is the result of thousands of hours spent coding everything from scratch after I got laid off six months ago no thiel-bucks or weirdo outsider money, just a pure desire to make something fun and true to Perfectly Imperfect’s day one goal of helping people find new things from real human beings, not algorithms or AI a pure labor of love that I’ve been quietly plotting for two years and it’s completely self-funded from my (rapidly) dwindling savings account so thank you for coming along for this weird ride 🫶 let's see where it goes
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