Walk and explore. See new things in places you never knew about. Makes me appreciate that there is a lot of things that are pretty beautiful that I never noticed
also called flânerie. i think a lot can be seen and learned from going on walks without a set purpose in mind. rather than the journey being about the end goal, it becomes about the experience as a whole. so linger about and enjoy what you notice!!
Haven’t done this… more of a recommendation for myself… but i imagine it’ll be really nice to change my usual walking scenery and to possibly discover something new..
Going outside and just walking. Feeling out the vibes, maybe going into a shop you find on the way, maybe making a turn down an interesting looking street… the adventure and mystery of the unknown
Finished my undergrad this month and feels super freeing. Gonna treat myself as much as possible in September to celebrate my birthday and celebrate the end of those insane 4 years lol
These are so random but honestly I think more people should know them. Hope somebody enjoys one!
Jorja smith- lost and found
Tamino- Amir
Raury- fervent
Sade- lovers rock