lighting my current wardrobe on fire and beginning again as a late 80s /early 90s eurotrash doll coz honestly everyone looked: perfect
was it a good movie… unsure
glorious surrealist beauty
The sound of music (1965)
still never gonna get over how it’s a happy enemies to lovers fun family music and simultaneously a Nazi film
Pretty in pink (1986)
The film my dad said he based his single father parenting on. It definitely shaped my teenage style!
I’ve linked directly to the american red cross donation page within the post but here are some other places you can donate to:
World Central Kitchen!/donation/checkout
Feeding America
If you have any other places people can donate to, please put them in the comments or re-rec this with the link❤️
if you’re a wikipedia addict like me and you like going down internet rabbit-holes, this is a cool website that will take you to random old websites that haven’t been updated in a while.
mostly it‘s a lot of old personal websites and blogs which makes it a really nice time capsule from before the internet died.