this app has reduced my screen time so much and it’s the only (actually) free one I can find in the app store
recommendation image
Aug 28, 2024

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Not a new rec bc I downloaded it when ayo recommended it in the 'sletter this past summer, but this app has truly changed the way I use my phone. As a very phone-addicted person, it's one of the only things that has made a tangible dent in not only my screen time but also my approach to social media. It's a simple concept (literally just wait a sec before you open instagram or w/e) but this shit really works.
Jan 11, 2024
It‘s completely free and also completely ad free! it’s super user friendly too!
5d ago
it's this app where you can create a shortcut on whichever app(s) you want (i.e. social media ones you spend too much time on), and every time you open those apps, it makes you wait like 10 seconds and shows you how many times you've opened that app in the last 24 hours. has literally cut my social media usage by nearly half and makes me way more intentional about social media use bc half the time i'm opening those apps out of habit.

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