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Now ideally the kidneys would filter microplastics as they do other waste and we could happily piss those plastics right out. Sadly that’s not the case (stupid – it really wouldn’t be that hard). But we still only need one kidney to live normally so I’d keep my left, which is slightly larger and does more filtration, and sacrifice my right for microplastics storage. The question assumes that we can store microplastics in a single organ so let’s say I can implement some bioengineering to divert the microplastics into this kidney alone. It would also have to be disconnected from my ureters (tubes connecting the kidneys to the bladder). A few decades down the line, I’d get the kidney – now nearly completely plasticized – removed and discarded (or put on display? for science or art) and live the rest of my days fairly plastic-free.
Aug 29, 2024
You know there are 28 type of collagen and scar tissue is just a special pro-inflammatory type that’s necessary in the wound healing process but if our livers and digestive systems don’t work properly then the collagen accumulates in our blood as fibrin and makes us stiff and causes pro inflammatory processes throughout the body including the proliferation of additional scar tissue and adhesions but don’t worry a little liver TLC and appropriately applied castor oil can really sort that out 🤓
Apr 5, 2024
organ health slay
Apr 5, 2024

Top Recs from @johnberg

It’s all about letting things flow thru and accepting how things are and then being freed from them
Aug 28, 2024
When i was 8 years old, I was on my middle schools "B" team basketball team and we actually got to play against the "A" team basketball team first round of the playoff tournament. I was number 8 btw. My nerd dad was actually the assistant coach that year, something he never did again btw and he didn't know a ton about basketball. I was pretty unathletic too. Anyway he devised this crazy plan for us to win by having us basically always keep part of the team full time offense and never play defense. It got is to a tie game with a few seconds left and I (having scored almost no baskets all game) shot up a 3 and made it for us to win. He picked me up and air planed me around the gym and said this is the best day ever. I will never forget that. Anyway, I'm always lucky number 8
Aug 28, 2024
Nova is like Fiver for good designers. Alternatively try Fiver lol
Aug 28, 2024