Still true in the ā€™20s, add stem to the industries
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Aug 29, 2024

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Its the same author as come as you are, the nirvana book, and if you have any interest in indie bands or indie music this is a real page turner. admittedly Iā€™ve only turned about 15 of those pages but I already can tell I love it. didnā€™t realize how many of these guys were truly DIY, indie to the bone, pressing Their own records type indie.
Jan 6, 2025
A writer reads every book in the world then joins a band. The bandā€™s first gig is in a garbage can. ā€œThis rules,ā€ she says.
Jan 25, 2024
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As entertaining as you think it would be, and more. (Dude is a fantastic and funny conversationalist; even better over a Spanish coffee or four). One snippet I fully support (ha) -- Stephen, youā€™re a pretty beloved figure at this pointā€”does that annoy you at all? Malkmus:Ā No way. For all that shit, I still wouldnā€™t want to be taking strays from people, or if it got back to me that thereā€™s people saying Iā€™m a dipshit or I donā€™t tip well enough or whatever, just this internet world. If people are like, ā€œI met that guy, heā€™s a fucking dick,ā€ that shit hurts. Iā€™ve had people come to me with preconceptions occasionally, and it was no fun. Not like I needed a bodyguard or anything, but still, itā€™s just like,Ā Dude, you donā€™t even know me. You want to have a clean record if you can, unfortunately. [laughs] Maybe another reason why [being a big-headed rocker] doesnā€™t completely work now is that musicians get more rapid feedback, and sometimes it can be beneficial. In the ā€™80s, some musicians made these bloated albums that just them and their seven friends thought were brilliant. But now people are instantly like: ā€œYouā€™re old and you suck,ā€ or, ā€œYour jams are flaccidā€ā€”and it can help! Iā€™m not saying [the Rolling Stonesā€™ 2024 album]Ā Hackney DiamondsĀ is a genius record or anything. [laughs] But I bet Robert Plantā€™s new music is better because of the internet.Ā  Sweeney:Ā Because itā€™s keeping him in check?Ā  Malkmus:Ā Yeah, or heā€™s listening to younger artists. I mean, Robert Plant seems to be genuinely interested, andĀ heā€™s a fan of bands like Lowā€”unlike Eric Clapton, who justĀ says he likes the newest guitarist, and then his records sound awful.
Feb 1, 2025

Top Recs from @buck_mcgraw

Its a web app that people submit 1 song per week and then everyone gets to vote on the all the different songs but their own. After all the rounds have been completed, the person with the most votes wins! Its a fun way to share music with people and get competitive. Been using this app with other online communities and friends for a few months and have really been enjoying it. NOTE: I created a PI.FYI League where the first submission is this friday. I limited it to 25 people for now not sure if I should open that up to more but it would be pretty overwhelming to have more than 25 songs to listen and vote on. The join link is attached to this rec!
Jun 10, 2024
riotgrrrl and I are planning on going to Jonathan Richman at the bell house 3/10 if anyone else is interested, drinks beforehand at Halyards. Hope people can make it out!
Feb 29, 2024