Idk what she put in this song but it’s an addiction at this point. Im obsessed with that part near the end where you think the song is over but then it keeps going.
outing myself as a proud addison rae fan rn.. so many pop girls are trying to co-opt the y2k bubblegum radio hit sound but no one's doing it like her imo.. and the btd lana influence sprinkled into this one? Bitch..
perfect combo of electronic/vaporwave/grunge/shoegaze, and somehow has a tinge of 80s nostalgia? idk how he does it, but yeah don’t sleep on I been young, you lost me there, monster and bleed.
There’s “real new york pizza” down the street that I could walk and get right now but sometimes, mediocre at best pizza that reminds you of simpler times is what u really need