There is something so soul cleansing about giving things away - decluttering and making your closet/space make sense for you. also, I used to always take old clothes to buy-back stores like Clothes Mentor hoping to make quick cash, to usually not make anything more than $4 lol, and it feels so much better just taking your stuff to goodwill; way more rewarding knowing that your once-loved items are accessible to people who may be in need or don’t have a lot of money to spend on clothes and things.
Write the poem, take the photo, record the original or cover, record the video, start the painting; whatever it is, just do it. It doesn’t have to be shared but just make the art.
although I’ve deactivated my Instagram account and have felt GREAT since doing so, prior to, I wouldnt think twice about unfollowing (or muting) people who’s content either didn’t align with my values or simply uplift, encourage, or add value to anything. highly recommend