Tapping into my inner southern gramma I even bought a 2 gallon glass keg/tap thing for it. Fun story I didn’t refrigerate the first batch and it molded and turned into kombucha technically, so naturally I scooped the mold Out and tried some of the kombucha and it was terrible btw in case you were wondering.
Sep 3, 2024

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it's so fun and tasty. don't be afraid about the bottles breaking--as long as you get the flip top kind that are meant for brewing you'll be fine. I've had a few instances when i opened the bottle and kombucha exploded everywhere which is shocking and a mess to clean up but also hilarious. the way to avoid this is to refrigerate the bottles before opening (carbonation is less intense at lower temps ig) my fav go-to flavor is lemon and ginger... nothing really beats that for me.. but its fun to switch it up by adding pomegranate or blueberry or whatever. the last batch i put in a bunch of kumquats i took from my neighbors tree and tbh it was not very good. wayy too tart. you'll figure it out
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