I’ve always wanted to do one of these!! 1. Keys on the carabiner 2. Vanessa 3. Shiny girl book 4. Pen 5. Wired headphones 6. Concealer 7. Lip gloss 8. Mini deodorant 9. Sunglasses 10. Alligator clips for the bangs 11. Glow in the dark stars I was going to give to a situationship because they wanted some but I didn’t want to make it too real and my water bottle that sometimes fits in the baggu but I like holding it by the handle in case I need to whack someone but mostly for my hands to both be holding something at the same time for symmetry. computer and knockers not included
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Sep 4, 2024

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• phone wallet keys (PKW - à la Broad City) • a book! • chapstick or glossier lip balm • sometimes my film camera (currently loving my kodak m35) • a pen • wired headphones • extra kf94 mask • folded up baggu bag (for the planet and convenience) • mini bag of the other essentials - bandaids, advil, nail file, tampons, eye drops, hair tie • occasionally/as-needed: weed pen, umbrella, gloves, phone charger, sunscreen, my glasses
Apr 28, 2024
water bottle of some sort (usually my insulated dopper bottle) small book (currently the Pinguin classic on the suffragettes) umbrella (Belgian weather :////) wallet (!) keys (I don't want to lock myself out) wasabi puffed peas (great as snack, just spicy enough so I won't eat everything at once) lip balm (vaseline coco butter ) little makeup bag (with only essentials) phone (unfortunately) poopie bags for my dog (what needs to be done needs to be done) permanent marker ( you never knowww) AirPods ( for music) Wired earbuds (for music when AirPods die) that's it!
Jun 20, 2024
Whats in my bag? momma…. A lot. ♠️♥♦♦♥️♠♥♦♥️♦♣♦♣️ 8 different lippies (so far today) 2 nail polishes chorded headphones 5 bobby pins held together by a clear hair tie a notebook with my favorite painting on the cover 🖼️ a pen a white cloth headband (covered in makeup) joints obviously empty joint canisters as well 🙃 empty gum pack an urban decay solstice eyeshadow *crumbled of course* sommerset moss facial balm that doubles for the hands car key house keys 🔐 solo door key *OFF the key chain two pairs of earrings (hoops, and locks both silver) air pod *singular* in the case matches one cough drop vivienne wallet sunglasses (2 once I take the ones off my head) phone 💋
May 8, 2024

Top Recs from @jackantonoff

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last summer I was sitting at the pond near my apartment when I saw a green heron (i didn’t know what that was at the time) and thought to myself “there are so many birds around at all times and I have no idea who any of them are!” I’ve been having so much fun learning my local natural history and being able to tell who’s around from their songs and calls and peckings. I wonder how many other things I’m always surrounded by that I don’t recognize because I haven’t noticed yet. Like fonts or types of bridges or insects.
Sep 13, 2024