i loveeee Love Deluxe in its entirety but this is the song that i’ve had on repeat recently! it’s such an enjoyable listening experience, it’s almost meditative and the combination of an all consuming love that’s so intense it’s almost devotional with the glitter of nostalgia… it could bring me to tears
Sep 6, 2024

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Books Unbanned is an initiative started by the Brooklyn Public Library to make banned literature accessible to teens and young adults. several other libraries have joined the initiative as well! any residents of the USA between the ages of 13-26, can get a free library card that allows you full access to the library’s entire online catalog!!!!! Brooklyn Public Library offers their cards for 13-21 year olds and you have to email them directly(they don’t have a link): [email protected] The Seattle & Boston public libraries offer their cards for 13-26 year olds! The San Diego public library offers their card for 12-26 year olds and they use the CloudLibrary app instead of the Libby app to access their e-book catalog. LA County also offers their unbanned card but for 13-18 year old California residents only. And no worries if you’re aged out! You can join the Queer Liberation Library on the Libby app, The New York Library’s Free For All program through the SimplyE app, and The Banned Books Club through The Palace Project app!!!
Aug 20, 2024
•Nintendo 3DS •Kindle Paperwhite •Several Pilot G2 Gel Pens (PLEASE DON’T TELL ANYONE PLEASE) •Clove flavored gum •Honey flavored lip-balm •Hand Lotion •Hand Sanitizer Spray (nice to share) •Crystals galore •good floss (no sharing allowed don't even ask) •perfume samples •mini red sharpie marker •Hair oil sample •Cinnamon flavored lip oil •Metal nail file •Stick of cinnamon + bay leaf •Lanolin Golden Dry Skin Miracle Salve (actually works but so expensive) •Airpods (haha maybe my wired headphones too if they can fit) Wishing i could fit more things in my bag though :(
Sep 4, 2024