Mother Nature has bestowed her blessing upon us with countless necessities: food, water, air…however, it is in my humble opinion that limes are genuinely one of Mother Nature’s greatest and most overlooked creations. I’ve heard in my time that skydiving is one of the biggest “rushes” a person can feel, but I am inclined to disagree; for the burst of radiance and freshness that my mouth experiences when a lime at last touches the delicate tastebuds of my tongue gives me a greater surge of euphoria than jumping out of a hundred planes ever could. Sharp as the tooth of time, tangy as a crisp winter morning, and bright as a glow worm’s shine, the lime packs a punch of flavors that would leave Tyson himself knocked onto the ground while simultaneously thanking you for doing so. You can enjoy limes in various recipes and dishes, but I personally have never felt more alive than when I down an entire wine glass full of ice cold freshly squeezed lime juice like it’s an 8 oz Budweiser. I would recommend limes to someone who feels stuck, to someone who wants…more. Limes have made me realize, “You know what..maybe all my internal pain and suffering is worth it.”, and I can only hope they can change someone’s life in the way they have impacted mine. 🍋‍🟩🍋‍🟩
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