Recommending 'SOUND OF THE UNDERGROUND' to start your day off with. Didn't catch it when it was still new (I wasn't able to form memories yet in the year 2002) but recently discovered and have been really enjoying it. Putting it here for you to (re)discover.
Finding so much good music on my high school itunes playlists… forgotten gems I used to think i would never forget. I love rediscovering music I love. Enjoy this song and the entire EP by the Speed of Sound in Seawater :-)
1 of 2 albums I can think of at the top of my mind that I listened to in its entirety. This takes me back to that summer in 2013 when I was listening to this album non-stop along w some indie songs I discovered thru 8tracks (I don’t know if anyone else will know this site, it was a gem). Also it was the time of my life I was just getting to know freedom from being able to travel solo and/or w friends or just discovering life. Akin to a coming-of-age movie. 😅 I don’t know if I make sense.
I mostly do selfportraits with watercolours inherited from my mum and greatgrandma. I find that it helps me process and communicate emotions + it's easy to get reference pictures. (i also draw other people, like lovers and friends, sometimes)