Exercises like these are self-actualizing, help you get to know the most authentic version of yourself and challenge your diligence with now upholding what you've learned...
then nobody can tell you shit😎
last summer I was sitting at the pond near my apartment when I saw a green heron (i didn’t know what that was at the time) and thought to myself “there are so many birds around at all times and I have no idea who any of them are!” I’ve been having so much fun learning my local natural history and being able to tell who’s around from their songs and calls and peckings.
I wonder how many other things I’m always surrounded by that I don’t recognize because I haven’t noticed yet. Like fonts or types of bridges or insects.
From a screenshot of a video of me checking the back of my hair to make sure I don’t have a cowlick to a pixelated graph of my face to a tapestry that I displayed in my first exhibit!! (bonus points if u can find the birds)