this is what i call those rare moments of deep understanding around significant life changes. like when something is super super hard and you’re struggling and its heavy but then there is this massive chasm in your heart and it feels like god just struck you with a lightening bolt of truth and you feel so much lighter. thats a god moment.
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Sep 16, 2024

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i am not particularly religious but the serenity prayer has always struck me as incredibly sage and powerful. there are variations on the wording but the general idea is: god grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change what i can, and the wisdom to know the difference. has gotten me through many tough days
Aug 28, 2024
I’ve found myself thinking about God a lot as of late. I didn’t grow up in the Church, and right now I’m not on a distinctive quest for answers experiencing feelings of desperation. EDIT: I am actually so lost but not looking for answers from God necessarily? — I simply am just noticing God everywhere. And when I start explaining these thoughts and feelings to my mother or friends about how much I’ve been thinking about Godliness, I always start by saying: “Well I’ve just been thinking about how God is everywhere; like in the taste of this chocolate cake or….” Once I spent a year or more where I didn’t cry at all. I can’t remember if I even laughed from an authentic place at this time period? Because for several of those months I have no memories. But nowadays– I look up at the moon in cold January and shed a tear because how lovely is the moon? And when watching a beautiful movie because how lovely is that? And hearing that song the 400th time but still tearing up because suddenly it‘s like you’re hearing it for the first time? And crying four times in one yoga class because i just cant help it, everything; even things unknown, are releasing. I don’t know God personally. But I know where God lives; like in the taste of this chocolate cake. or a cold refreshing breeze on my face when I’m feeling too hot, in the laughter of my loved ones, in the juicy green grass, in how I feel when I’m bathing in endless ocean waves or dancing with my baby cousin. Humble and mindful and indulgent in it all. I dont have to search very hard.
Jan 26, 2025

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