pin this coupon to your fridge. we're slicing our already low low low advance ticket price of $10 to a mere $7.99(+.01) (you read that right)! $7.99+(.01). for less than the price of a halal platter, you can see anjoli simone, tomorrowish, loveseat pete (their first show back after a long hiatus), and diet american on 9/17. check this one off your list today! 📝🎟️
It's the polite thing to do (unless the show is sold out of course). Which reminds me: Friday, April 5th at DROM — We Take Manhattan's 1-year anniversary show, with Shallowhalo (EP release show), Promiseland, and Jack Powers performing live. Early-bird tix are only $13 but will go up in price when they run out
a special thursday night presentation of tribeca elevator music presents with none other than beau, pete francis (of dispatch music acclaim, for all you hacky sack lovin' 90s jam peeps), perlette, and connor leimer!
this election day, don’t just vote at the polls; vote with your wallet too. the hours of uncertainty before our next prez's named are bad enough. do yourself a favor. grab a ticket, grab a drink, and dance like it’s the end of the world!
@bonesforever.mp3 (10pm)
@imani_graham (9pm)
@borisgachot (8pm)
(Farrah Hanna no longer on the bill)
this thursday! your chance to ring in the season with a free show featuring the pied pipers of perfect weather, adeline hotel and jackie west. plus, your friends will think you're cool for taking them to a new bar that doesn't suck. music starts at 8.
country's girls first live performance ever at arlene's tonight, alongside the eponymous elora, dorée, and babes who run this town, Babe City. grabbing two high lifes (high lives) and watching two (or more) performances, cbtm
calling all ye whippersnappers and old souls alike, pull through to arlene's grocery tomorrow for a pre-release performance of grandpa's breath's debut ep. we'll be snorting pepto bismol and miralax in the restroom. 👴🤘