Wendy’s Subway was one of the first "third places" I stumbled into after moving to NYC. It’s tucked away like some secret lair, and it's so beautiful in that "this-doesn't-fit-anywhere-else" way. It does so much, you can't really explain what it is. So I just call it a third place. You know, the kind of spot you go when you don’t want to hit a bar (because I don't drink) or pay for something (because... money). I go there to read, flip through a zine on some obscure political issue, or dive into a bi-weekly poetry writing event. It's so freakin' quiet and it'll let your brain take a nap. Do yourself a favor and go. Find community here. But check their website for hours/events first.
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Sep 17, 2024

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Had to check if this place was still there as I began writing this because realistically it should be gone; it makes no sense that it’s still around. Used to play hookie from high school and chose to come here for some reason. Unfortunately there’s no longer an Alternative Thinking section that I think a lot of you sickos would be into; David Icke etc. Let’s be honest: public space is dwindling and the polis has to get creative. This place will probably be something else soon so go loiter in it now. The Starbucks on the 3rd floor is a great place to grind.
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Sort of a wine bar masquerading as a Book Store but they do have a interesting collection of books and magazines that you can look at. Its usually pretty well lit so that you can read and drink a glass of wine as I sometimes do. They have a good sound system and the music is generally low key but quality. There is wine and beer but also coffee and tea that they serve all day so if you or your date doesn't want to drink, there are other options available. The bar is nice to sit at but there is also a backyard that will be good to sit out at in the summer.
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If you are passionate about your hip mobility and amazing sleep, please, SLEEP ON THIS. We have been together for probably two years. And I don’t give a shit how goofy she looks. She changed my life. I don’t have any back pain and I don’t have any hip pain. I do other things to work on those issues, but SHE is the biggest contributor to the solution.
Sep 18, 2024
IDK why more people don't do this. Too Good To Go is an app that helps cut down on food waste. You basically grab a "surprise bag" of unsold food from restaurants, bakeries, or grocery stores for super cheap (like $4.99 for a whole bag!). It's filled with stuff that would've gone to waste (like it's expiring soon). You just reserve a bag, pick it up, and you're good to go. Honestly, I've scored some amazing deals. The video linked explains it well. Heads up though—depending on where you are and the timing, some bags might not be great, but if you do your research, it’s totally worth it.
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