your friend tries to describe a car they saw, your date fails to articulate their vision for their next tattoo— you conjure your notebook and instruct them to draw it. the notebook fills eventually, and you are left with an organic curation of works from your friends lovers colleagues and acquaintances
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Sep 18, 2024

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write down the stupidest and most profound things you can think of right next to each other and make it messy. bring it to museums and jot down the names of the pieces that make you slow down your march through the building. never show another soul unless asked very nicely.
Feb 6, 2024
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if ur a hoarder and want to keep leaflets flowers bills pictures etc if u like to doodle here and there if u like to write if u like collage art if u are a perfectionist and would like to have space to be messy and just glue things together to document moments you should definitely get yourself a small notebook and watch him getting chunkier it made me observe my surroundings better cuz now im constantly looking for things i can put here.
Sep 29, 2024
It's basically just an analog notes app, but it's something separate from your phone that allows for a little more disconnection from technology. Plus, it's tangible. So you can have a visual representation of the amount of thoughts or ideas that you've had over time. You'll have a collection of mini books that you can go back through and see where your mind has been. I'm about to finish my third little guy, and it's fun to have a collection of pages that represents my ingenuity and reminds me of memories I've forgotten. Sometimes I make myself laugh when I go back through or I contemplate something I said or I disagree with a comment I made a while back, or I feel inspired to rehash something I'd written. Today I went back through and found a drawing I don't remember doing. I found a short grocery list from who knows when. I found a bunch of ideas I want to go back to. I found these comments too: "A vape is sitting on the subway seat next to me. Should I hit it and see what happens?" and "I'm on the six early in the morning and just watched a homeless man light another homeless man's crack pipe. Sharing is caring."
Mar 7, 2024

Top Recs from @womensrights

Someone must lose, and losing deliciously is a service to those who must bear witness. Sportsmanship is bankrupt. Lose well – pitch a fit, go bald, step on your own glasses, spill wine, punch a wall, hurl accusations, drink and drive, lose custody, develop a cocaine habit. Someone must lose. You must lose.
Sep 10, 2024