I have thought about this at length, I fear.
I want to look and feel at ease in my clothes and I shop for clothing very intentionally. For me the rules of outfits are:
- No single-designer looks
- Steam/press rarely
- No logos (sneakers are the exception)
- Always wear at least 1 garment with visible wear or damage
- Get dressed intentionally every day
- It does not matter how conventionally flattering the look is. I care only about how it makes me feel in my body
- Never clean Ur (my) shoes except to keep leather in condition
I shop almost exclusively second hand and in person—I only buy if I would be heartbroken to come back for a garment to find it had passed me by forever. Most pieces I see are effectively one-offs because I treat them this way.
I am attracted to Japanese workwear silhouettes, modular garments, and drama. “My” colour is the shade precisely between yellow and orange. All my jewelry is gifted. I aim to keep garments until the end of their lives.