I’ve been here for a couple of weeks and I think it feels when recs are truly sincere and out of heart, when the person is passionate about them (unlike recs for likes or promotion, you know what I mean). I hope to give recs like these. At least I’ll try to.
Sep 18, 2024

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i feel like everyone here is simultaneously trying to give recs at face value while also explaining how much the rec means to them and most posts land somewhere in the middle of being too brief and too detailed
Feb 12, 2024
I love to share things that are good with others, I’m the gatekeeper only because I hold open the gate. I’m quite specific with my tastes and I think that I’m good at hunting for good, useful, and beautiful things. I consider the things I own and think a lot about the things I consume and the way I interact with the world so I like sharing that with others. I also really like seeing what other people like and use and taking advice from them. The recommendations of other people are always so much better than just stab in the dark searching for things. Plus, Community based on shared tastes and exchanging recommendations feels like the opposite of the individualistic self-promotion-ness of other social media. When I shared my own music, for example, it meant a lot more to get genuine positive comments from a small amount of people whose tastes I trust, than a ton of random likes from strangers. It also nicely doubles as a sort of gratitude excercise, reminding me of things I enjoy and to notice the things that make my life easier or more beautiful.
Apr 18, 2024
I don’t think it does anything but it makes me feel good
Feb 15, 2024

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I recently discovered mine, Samsung CD Yepp to be exact, and it changed the way I listen to music. I started listening to full albums again instead of just singles you can easily stream. For me it’s not about sound quality, although it matters of course, but mostly about consciousness. Since then I collected my mini-collection of CDs I will pass to my children. Kinda regret I got rid of old phones, especially BenQ-Siemens EL71, but hope to thrift it one day
Oct 2, 2024