I was a barista for a long time and this is the undisputed 'hot person' drink. This is an insider secret, so use wisely and be warned: people will fear you and want to be you.
why have I been ordering my iced coffees with milk all my life. No drink hits the same these days.. I love to see the high school girls seethe when they watch me pick it up from the starbucks mobile order counter. You will understand one day sweeties...
Pilates, yoga, spin, barre, you name it. Don't just walk out in a sweaty huff. They worked hard on that routine. If your argument against this is "Well that's their job," then you're not a contribution to society, you are a nuisance.
This isn't revolutionary but it completely transforms your morning from, "I can't believe this is happening," to "Mornings bring such hope." Makes you feel like a lil bear in a cottage. Raspberry, boysenberry, fig--anything goes.
This is not to be humbling. This is a point of pride. A thing to honor. Attempting to mimic the pink Starburst flavor, Jamba Juice taught us what it means to be "in on something". Gossip, exclusive clubs, monogamous relationships...we are still chasing the high of ordering a Pink Star and feeling special.