I’m addicted to Facebook Marketplace. The other day I found a gorgeous hot pink Toyota GR Supra Liberty Walk for sale, I also found a fiberglass poop emoji sculpture from the “Poop Cafe” in Toronto. my favourite find and purchase was a pair of 2008 Ann Demeulemeester triple lace boots. I will not reveal how much I bought them for, but I am selling…. should you be interested
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Sep 19, 2024

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quite possibly one of my favorite pastime, i LOVE scrolling through facebook marketplace. i sound like every boyfriend roping their s/o into getting something random but TRUST, there’s just so much to enjoy on there. obv there’s the actual good finds but there is a certain magic that comes with your random finds. just so you all see what i’m talking about, i present to you the following:)
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Mess up your algorithm. Forget about the vintage knickknacks, the MCM furniture, or hell, even the puffer jacket Snoopy resellers that are still lurking about. Facebook marketplace is the closest thing we will get to the glory days of Craigslist, but you have will to make sacrifices to achieve what I have. The first time I set myself free on the marketplace was by clicking on a 7ft tall Jar Jar Binks for sale. From there my marketplace has never been the same. I’ve been recommended the most outlandish things from the most realistic looking porcelain dolls of a farmer grandma and grandpa, a ginormous fiber glass hippo head, a complete 1930‘s dental office (all equipment included), life size minion statue, and even a freakish leather vintage doll titled “leather face” that I definitely think was made out of skin. (I thought I would be able to attach all these images but you’ll have to take my word for how jaw dropping they are) I wish I could meet all the people selling these items.

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I find myself drinking water out of mugs the morning after a night out. ice cubes are a necessity in order to get the full experience. the Conclusion I have come to is that all of the glasses are dirty from the night before leaving me only with mugs in the morning. There’s something very comforting about drinking very cold water out of a mug. It refreshes me more somehow
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