i always feel like piglet when i say “oh dear” and it makes me smile. recently added “oh bother“ to my lexicon which has brought it to the next level !!!!
The other day after spending over an hour in the middle of the day trying to fix the internet in the house (turns out a squirrel chewed a line somewhere), I started to say: "This really stresses me out" but instead I said "This doesn't stress me out."
And just like that it didn't stress me out.
my partner and I have been trying something similar when making a mistake, instead of saying "im a fucking idiot" we just go "OOPS" in a fun and silly way. it helps !!
i live around so many people that use this so casually (including myself) i am trying to get better but it’s hard when i have normalized this thought for so long in my head. i want life to be good so i will try
tiff i also feel like it’s flexible in that you can use it to imply that your misfortunes are not, or not only, caused by others, but in fact are an act of god / supernatural powers interfering with your life
It is good I feel to keep playful expressions of frustration such as this in my arsenal. Sometimes i'll throw in a ' goodness me!' or a simple ' lord!' does the trick also. Something very Charlie Brown about it