[for yourself not for sale, unless u want to] my entry level deadhead status is showing but I absolutely LOVE just coming up with my own design for a band / artist Im a fan of. I use a heat press on some thrifted shirts and go to TOWN. Sorry but there’s a very limited selection of cool Liz Phair shirts for cheap so why not just make my own sick ass design. Pictured below are just a few. Bonus fun points for minor cropping
as creative who normally remains in the digital realm, making a shirt is not only a special little project for you to work on based off a band or singer you know, but it’s also a great keepsake in the off chance their actual merch stand is a blood bath! and you get to look super cool! and wear your art!
plus you can do things like put your own boobs on a shirt! made this based off of the song sinner by the last dinner party (seeing them in toronto at the end of the month hehe)
This is not a post saying you shouldn’t buy band merch. Not at all! This is a big support for bands.
This is more a rec for giving a new life to old or new shirts. With some fabric paint (you can get pens also) you can get really creative. This one I’ve done for the album Bright Flight from Silver Jews (Tennessee lyrics on the back).
One artist I inspire myself a lot is Katie from @sandw1tchshop (instagram)
Making your own merch for your life has never been more easy. I used to go to Kinkos as a kid because they would put anything on a t-shirt. Now I make embroidered hats with inside jokes and print stills from "Dead Poets Society" on crewnecks. It's a lot of fun to find a piece of clothing you like and add onto it.
It’s what my basket is for, if it breaks then I’ll just die it’s not that serious. I don’t even have that many eggs to begin with. I grew up in a single-egg-basket-household, who are these people with multiple egg baskets, do they walk among us?
On 🔁🔁🔁. Love this song. checking out this album & honestly mazzy star for the first time. I’m a bit late to the Mazz but you know when the best time to plant a tree is? Yesterday, you know when the second best time is? Right now.
I feel like I’ve picked up so much good music by just instantly downloading an opening act’s album right after their set. Just saw Wishy at baby’s all right last night and they had a band called Plastic open up, tight band & tight name, I’m sold. I feel like too many people skip the opener and I get it it can get tiring but I already know I’m gonna like the headliner lemme get a nice little surprise. this has GOT to be my last music rec for a little bit…