That free CD that showed up in the mail but your parents were too cheap to get another phone line dedicated to the internet so you went to your friends house and switched back and forth between your screen names, and of course lied about your age/sex/location to all the other people who were lying about their age/sex/location and everything devolved into cybering or threats of fighting outside some mini-mart you both agree to meet at 7pm on Friday but really you live in Pennsylvania not California so you’d actually never even heard of the store and you and your friend laugh about how your new enemy is just going to be sitting there waiting, wasting their time. Let’s try a new room this one‘s getting boring now (repeat process)
Sep 20, 2024

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Related Recs

I know that Discord and other social media platforms (and ofc this) exist, and that's fine and dandy. But do you remember the thrill of going into chat rooms? Getting responses in real time, not too personal, low commitment, and always available? I guess it's all sex bots and links to other platforms now, but for just a brief moment in internet history, it was glorious. Except for kids getting groomed. That was bad. Anyway. Two of my best friends even met their now-husbands on chat rooms!
May 27, 2024
- aim gay chats... a/s/l? 15/m/ca, you know it - xanga - livejournal (incl. rating communities where you had to apply / be hot / cool enough to be allowed in) - myspace - friendster - limewire - photoshop message boards - my friends and i would absolutely terrorize the "guestbook" of student-made websites, injecting html images / sounds / videos / effects to piss them off - xy.com (iykyk) - hampsterdance
Apr 9, 2024
sometimes when i’m feeling nostalgic for social media 1.0 I visit Makeout Club and Friendster on the Internet Archives and pick random archived pages and profiles to look at. A good way to waste some time and time travel all at once.
Feb 15, 2024

Top Recs from @fakemountains

Being comfortable is nice when it’s a reward but as a state of being it’s boring and makes you boring and a boring life is a waste of whatever this is supposed to be. Go be uncomfortable (me talking to me)
Sep 20, 2024
1. Don’t go to sleep until at least an hour after you stopped drinking 2. Chug like a litre of water with liquid IV 3. Pee like twice before you pass out 4. Wake up kinda early and chug a liquid IV water again 5. Eat a sausage egg and cheese sandwich (replace where dietary restrictions apply) 6. Take a cozy nap for an hour before noon
Oct 12, 2024
If you don’t define yourself by “what you do” then you can comfortably try (and fail usually) at everything. Do what you love until you don’t love it and then do something else. dont equate “what I do” with “with my life”. If you have a canvas and you paint something and you say wow this is garbage, just paint something different! life’s only as serious as you make it out to be. Enjoy it and learn shit.
Nov 3, 2024