yesterday my sister said that all the music i listen to is “too underground.” she definitely meant it as an insult but i will consider it a win. i love being esoteric.
i am an only child and i have loved every single second of it, the hate we get is undeserved and i feel like im much more closer with my parents than anyone i know because of it
he’s so popular on here which makes me jealous but i also don’t want to put in the amount of work he does lmao. stupid
lucius you will always be famous
so much to talk about, the sunglasses, the scarf, the fresh baguette and coffee, the always lovely cafe setting. I think this is the most swag ever captured on camera I aspire to be at this level
alright hear me out: carbonation and coffee with a squeeze of orange shouldn’t work, but it does. Been making them daily and i feel a lot better in the morning each time i do