thinking of my past friends. what are they up to? the fight was stupid. i hope we can make up one day. let’s act like grown adults for once and start a clean slate soon
if theres someone you still think about and haven’t talked to in forever it is never too late to reach out to them imo! i have done this a bunch and the worst that happens is we reminisce about fun times before the conversation fizzles out, and that is still a sweet experience!!
i just started talking to my old best friend again after a few years and just falling back into having everyday normal conversations w her as if we never stopped talking has lifted my mood so much. dm ur childhood friends right now i’m serious
my high school/early college gf is one of my best friends and will be forever. we had a wonderful friendship before we dated and after taking some time of no contact built back an even stronger platonic bond. especially since we were close during such formative years it’s been so rewarding to grow together - out of one form of connection and into so many others❣️
my other serious ex I may never speak to again before I die.
sitting around in the cold weather at my parents' house on long island with some of my closest friends from high school after not hearing from each other for a whole year. massive win for the power of friendship last night.
Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don't plan it. Don't wait for it. Just let it happen. It could be a new shirt at the men's store, a catnap in your office chair, or two cups of good, hot black coffee.