With my lover, my friends, my mom, I just love holding hands I think it’s so sweet and intimate & hands are an extension of the heart so it’s just love.
As someone who is sensitive to physical touch, it’s a quick reminder that it’s wonderful to feel the warmth of another person through their hands. My toddler loves to grab my hand and pull me to whatever activity she’s currently into and it genuinely reminds me of the beauty of being a human every time.
the urban outfitters website used to archive playlists where I discovered some of my favorite music growing up. they ditched that part of the site but have them archived on discogs.com
Apparently if you go to bed even one minute after midnight, it is impossible to reach full REM potential so lately I have been going to bed at least one minute before midnight and let me tell you the scientist doctors are right!
facetiming your roommate a wall away is so silly and fun. debriefing the morning after a fun night out is made easier if you're too *tired to walk fifteen feet